
“I just finished reading your amazing book!! Made me cry and made me smile!!! Well written and for anyone who truly knows your beautiful family can’t help but to love them!! They make me smile all the time!! So happy you guys succeeded in getting this published and out there for others to relate!! Love the logo on the front cover “itchy brain” and love love the pic of you guys on the back cover!! So congratulations and God Bless!! Good job!”

“I got my book today! Can I just say... I laughed, got a little teary eyed at parts and pictured the boys and both of you during each chapter! It’s a book filled with love, patience, understanding and acceptance of who each of us are! You are a beautiful family who we are lucky enough to call our dear friends! Congratulations and I’m looking forward to the sequel!”

“Adam I saw the post and I liked it but I find it awesome how you guys refused to let medicine be their excuse as a call for their actions. You stepped in and took a different, a much better outlook on this and it has worked as far as I can see!! So many parents are quick to put their children on medicine and call it a day. Oh the medicine doesn’t work. Oh we need to up the dose. No sometimes it takes caring and attention to the children. That makes a huge difference. You and Jill are doing awesome.”

“It’s really well done and enjoyable too. The anecdotes are great and so relatable to all families with young kids (with or without ADHD!!). Of course it’s extra special for me because I love you guys and I’ve known X for so long now. He has grown up so much and displays a calmness that was not present in little league way back in the day. Congratulations again for telling your story and publishing the book. It’s a remarkable accomplishment.”

“Adam, thanks so much for posting your book. I’m in the process of ordering it.  My identical twins were born super prematurely, and are great, but have gotten diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, and possibly some part on the spectrum.  Working through it (as I’m sure you know) has been challenging, so I greatly appreciate this kind of content. Thank you for your openness and transparency. Looking forward to the read!!”

“This is awesome. What and accomplishment! Thanks for sharing your stories. As parents we want our kids to “fit in” but I’ve witnessed too many times when my son was singled out, sometimes even shamed. Made him feel “less” than his classmates. The good news Is that teachers and school systems are better versed and equipped now vs back then. And now there are books like this to educate us and help Parents feel like they aren’t alone. Can’t wait to read it. All the best with the book!”

“Please buy this book!!! I can't wait for my copy and hoping it will help me with my own struggles with the kids. This is by far the most amazing family I have had the pleasure of knowing and the honor of being a part of their lives when I lived back home. They will always have a special place in my heart …  Jill & Adam Laudati very proud of you guys !!! Congrats you deserve the world xo.”

“Reading this book was truly eye opening, on a personal and professional level. I am a speech language pathologist who works with children who demonstrate impulsive and dysregulated behaviors. I feel now I can better understand how my students are feeling and why they have difficulty sitting still. Furthermore, it improved my understanding of how I as a professional can help them succeed when learning. This book not only helps professionals and those who are struggling with ADHD, but it also doubles as a “how to guide” for family members. The Laudati family seamlessly put into words the challenges individuals with ADHD experience and tools benefitting them on a daily basis. This book should be a staple for any family with children struggling with ADHD or those who demonstrate concern. Its a great stepping stone to better days and success with a difficult diagnosis.”

“ I work in a special education school which helps students who are seen as impulsive, hyperactive and/or distractible. I decided to purchase this book because I am always looking for ways to increase my understanding of my students, especially those with ADHD. I easily found myself comparing the stories written in this book, to personal instances I’ve had with my students. I love how this family, especially the two young boys, were able to put such complex emotions and substantial experiences into words. I thought of my teaching approach and ways I can further assist my students to increase their use of tools needed for life success. What I didn’t expect from this book though, was the help and support it provided my husband as a coach. He was able to reflect on experiences he has had in the past with certain children he would label as “difficult”. On a personal level he mentioned a guilt that presented itself while he was reading. He realized when confronted with stressful moments, he too could be one of those coaches who yelled and pulled kids from a game simply for appearing inattentive. In the past, he didn’t take into consideration the immense energy and drive it takes for a child struggling with ADHD to concentrate during such a highly distracting activity. This book increased his understanding of his players’ needs and also the special accommodations they can benefit from going forward. I am happy to say that this book is beyond helpful; not only to those who are looking for the support, but also to those who might not even know they need it. I highly recommend!”

“What a great read for families working hard dealing with ADHD and other mental health struggles. Having a child’s perspective on this specific struggle is so progressive and unique. This book is a fantastic way for a parent to introduce a child to feelings and things that may seem strange to them and normalize a very unique feeling. Kudos to the Laudati Family for taking the time and also putting themselves out there for others that struggle. Buy an extra copy and pass it on to someone you know.... I did...”

“I wish this book was available 25 years ago to help our family get through the years of impulsive and unfocused behavior my son experienced. I recognize my son in so many of the experiences that the Laudati boys are going through and applaud their parents on dealing with their problems so successfully. Its definitely a book to get, not only to see things from the child's perspective but to give comfort to those who love them. They are not alone and this journey can be dealt with successfully. Well done Laudati family!”
